1. Communication Skills
1.1. Everyday Conversations
Engaging in simple dialogues on familiar topics such as family, work, shopping, and leisure activities.
Expressing opinions, preferences, and feelings (e.g., likes, dislikes, satisfaction, dissatisfaction).
Asking for and providing detailed information about personal experiences (e.g., describing past events, plans for the future).
1.2. Social Interaction
Making and responding to invitations, suggestions, and offers.
Expressing agreement and disagreement politely.
Giving and receiving directions, instructions, and advice in everyday situations.
1.3. Shopping & Services
Conducting transactions in shops, restaurants, and other service environments.
Describing products, expressing preferences, and asking for assistance.
Dealing with basic complaints and solving simple issues in service contexts.
1.4. Travel & Transportation
Discussing travel plans, booking accommodations, and making travel arrangements.
Asking for and understanding travel-related information (e.g., timetables, ticket purchases).
Talking about weather, seasons, and geographical locations.
2. Vocabulary Development
2.1. Expanded Vocabulary
Vocabulary related to daily life, including home, work, school, and leisure.
Words for describing people, places, and things in more detail.
Terms related to health, food, clothing, and common objects.
2.2. Adjectives & Adverbs
Using comparative and superlative forms to describe and compare.
Expanding the use of adverbs for time, frequency, manner, and place.
Vocabulary for expressing quantities and measurements.
2.3. Idiomatic Expressions
Introduction to common idiomatic expressions used in everyday conversations.
Understanding and using simple French proverbs and sayings.
3. Grammar & Structure
3.1. Pronouns
Reflexive pronouns (me, te, se, nous, vous, se) in daily conversations.
Introduction to direct and indirect object pronouns (le, la, les, lui, leur).
Use of "y" and "en" in simple sentences.
3.2. Articles & Nouns
Using definite, indefinite, and partitive articles in various contexts.
Noun-adjective agreement in gender and number.
Plural forms of more complex nouns and their usage in sentences.
3.3. Verbs & Tenses
Present tense of regular and irregular verbs.
Introduction to the passé composé for describing past events.
Usage of the imparfait tense for setting scenes and describing ongoing past actions.
Introduction to the future proche (aller + infinitive) for near future events.
Introduction to imperative forms for giving commands and making requests.
3.4 Sentence Structure
Formation of compound sentences using conjunctions (et, mais, ou, donc, car).
Introduction to simple relative clauses (qui, que, où).
Expanding the use of negative sentences (ne... jamais, ne... rien, ne... plus).
3.5. Prepositions & Conjunctions
Prepositions of time and place (avant, après, pendant, depuis, dans).
Usage of common conjunctions to connect ideas and form complex sentences.
Introduction to conditional structures (si + present, future).
4. Listening & Speaking Practice
4.1. Listening Comprehension
Understanding spoken French related to everyday activities, social interactions, and personal interests.
Listening to and comprehending short dialogues, announcements, and simple instructions.
Recognizing key details in conversations, such as dates, numbers, and times.
4.2. Speaking Practice
Practicing pronunciation and intonation for clearer communication.
Role-playing different scenarios (e.g., at the doctor’s, booking a hotel room, meeting someone new).
Engaging in longer conversations on familiar topics and expressing more complex ideas.
5. Reading & Writing Practice
5.1. Reading Comprehension
Reading and understanding short stories, simple articles, advertisements, and brochures.
Identifying main ideas and specific details in written texts.
Developing skills to infer the meaning of unknown words from context.
5.2. Writing Skills
Writing simple narratives and descriptions of personal experiences and events.
Composing short messages, notes, emails, and letters on familiar topics.
Practising the correct use of grammar and vocabulary in written form.
6. Cultural Awareness
6.1. French Culture & Society
Exploring aspects of daily life in French-speaking countries, including food, traditions, and holidays.
Learning about French social norms, etiquette, and cultural practices.
Discussing current events and cultural differences in simple terms.
6.2. French Media & Entertainment
Introduction to French music, films, and TV shows appropriate for A2 level.
Discussing popular French cultural icons and their influence.
Assessment Criteria
Speaking: Ability to communicate in routine tasks requiring simple and direct exchange of information, describe experiences, and participate in short conversations.
Listening: Understanding sentences and frequently used expressions related to areas of immediate relevance (e.g., basic personal and family information, shopping, local geography, employment)..
Reading: Ability to read short, simple texts on familiar subjects, understand simple messages and instructions, and identify specific information in everyday materials.
Writing: Writing short, simple notes and messages related to matters of immediate need, composing brief narratives and descriptions of events, and using basic grammar and vocabulary accurately.
This A2 curriculum is designed to build upon the foundational skills acquired at A1, enabling learners to communicate more confidently and independently in everyday situations.