French B1

  • Beginner
  • 4 Months
  • 4.5 (4k reviews)
Inquiry Now

1. Communication Skills

1.1. Social Interaction

  • Engaging in conversations on familiar topics such as work, study, leisure, and travel.

  • Expressing opinions, making suggestions, and responding to others’ ideas.

  • Handling common social situations, such as making requests, offering advice, and giving compliments.

1.2 Describing Experiences

  • Narrating past events, experiences, and future plans in detail.

  • Discussing ambitions, goals, and dreams, with the ability to explain reasons and motivations.

  • Describing reactions to events, news, or situations, and expressing feelings with more nuance.

1.3. Everyday Transactions

  • Managing more complex transactions in shops, restaurants, and public services.

  • Asking for and providing detailed information in formal and informal contexts.

  • Handling issues and complaints with more fluency, including explaining problems and requesting solutions.

1.4. Discussions & Debates

  • Participating in discussions about familiar topics, expressing and justifying opinions.

  • Discussing social issues, cultural topics, and current events with a broader range of vocabulary.

  • Agreeing and disagreeing politely, using more sophisticated language.

2. Vocabulary Development

2.1. Expanded Vocabulary

  • Vocabulary related to work, education, hobbies, travel, and social issues.

  • Expressions and phrases used in more formal and informal contexts.

  • Words for describing abstract concepts, emotions, and complex situations.

2.2. Idioms & Expressions

  • Introduction to common French idioms, colloquial expressions, and sayings.

  • Using and understanding metaphors and idiomatic language in conversations.

2.3. Specialized Vocabulary

  • Learning terminology related to specific interests or fields, such as technology, health, and the environment.

  • Vocabulary for expressing opinions, arguments, and supporting evidence in discussions.

3. Grammar & Structure

3.1. Verb Tenses

  • Mastery of the present, past (passé composé, imparfait), and future tenses.

  • Introduction to the plus-que-parfait (past perfect) tense for talking about events that happened before another past event.

  • Use of conditional tense for expressing hypothetical situations, wishes, and polite requests.

  • Introduction to the subjunctive mood for expressing necessity, doubt, and emotions.

3.2. Complex Sentences

  • Formation of more complex sentences using relative pronouns (qui, que, dont) and conjunctions (parce que, puisque, bien que).

  • Use of indirect speech for reporting statements, questions, and commands.

  • Introduction to passive voice for describing actions from the perspective of the action’s recipient.

3.3. Pronouns

  • Mastery of direct and indirect object pronouns (le, la, les, lui, leur).

  • Use of relative pronouns (qui, que, dont, lequel).

  • Introduction to the use of demonstrative pronouns (celui, celle, ceux, celles) and possessive pronouns (le mien, le tien).

3.4 Sentence Structure

  • Using conjunctions and connectors to link ideas and structure arguments (donc, cependant, toutefois, ainsi que).

  • Formation of more complex negations (ne... jamais, ne... plus, ne... guère, ne... que).

  • Use of different structures for asking questions, including more formal or indirect questions.

4. Listening & Speaking Practice

4.1. Listening Comprehension

  • Understanding the main points and specific details in spoken French on familiar topics.

  • Comprehending more complex spoken language, including radio broadcasts, interviews, and conversations with multiple speakers.

  • Identifying the speaker's tone, attitude, and intention in various contexts.

4.2. Speaking Practice

  • Engaging in longer, more detailed conversations on familiar and unfamiliar topics.

  • Practicing pronunciation and intonation to convey meaning and emotion effectively.

  • Role-playing more complex scenarios (e.g., job interviews, negotiating services, social interactions).

5. Reading & Writing Practice

5.1. Reading Comprehension

  • Reading and understanding longer texts, including newspaper articles, blog posts, and short stories.

  • Identifying main ideas, arguments, and supporting details in written texts.

  • Developing skills to infer the meaning of unfamiliar words and expressions from context.

5.2. Writing Skills

  • Writing more detailed narratives, descriptions, and personal accounts.

  • Composing structured texts, such as essays, reports, and formal letters.

  • Using appropriate language for different contexts, including formal and informal writing.

6. Cultural Awareness

6.1. French Culture & Society

  • Exploring current social issues and cultural trends in France and other French-speaking countries.

  • Understanding regional differences, traditions, and cultural practices.

  • Discussing French art, literature, and film, and their impact on global culture.

6.2. French Media & Entertainment

  • Introduction to French newspapers, magazines, and online media relevant to B1 learners.

  • Reading and discussing excerpts from French literature, including novels, plays, and poetry.

  • Exposure to French music, films, and TV shows, with discussions on cultural and social themes.

Assessment Criteria
  • Speaking: Ability to express opinions, describe experiences, and participate in discussions on familiar topics with a degree of fluency and spontaneity.

  • Listening: Understanding the main points of spoken language on familiar topics, including discussions, presentations, and interviews.

  • Reading: Ability to read and understand texts that contain high-frequency or job-related language, identify main ideas, and infer meanings of new words.

  • Writing: Writing clear and detailed texts on a range of topics, including expressing opinions, describing experiences, and explaining processes.

This B1 curriculum is designed to help learners transition from basic to more independent use of the French language, enabling them to handle a variety of situations with increased confidence and fluency.

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